
Anne Frank

Her Life and Hard Times


The concentration camps were liberated in 1945 by American allies. Otto was liberated by Russians and left Auschwitz to go find his family. The sisters died just weeks before their camp was liberated. Edith died in January- a few months before getting liberated.

Otto Frank in the annex after getting liberated. (History) 

"A person who's happy will make others happy; A person who has courage and faith will never die in misery!"
~ Anne Frank

Anne and Margot died in February 1945 due to typhus. Edith Frank died of starvation in January of 1945. Otto was the only member of the family to survive the Holocaust. When the camps were liberated, Otto spent his time looking for his family. When he found out he was the only one still living, he published Anne's diary. Miep Gies- one of the helpers while they were hiding- saved Anne's diary in the annex for safe keeping. Otto Frank died on August 19, 1980 due to age.

Holocaust victim being checked by a physician after liberation. (Centennial Home)