Early Years

Anne Frank

Her Life in Hard Times

Early Years

Anne Frank was born into a loving family on June 12, 1929. When she was little, life was fun and breezy. As she grew into a teenager, Adolf Hitler became the ruler and overtook Germany. Since she was older she understood what was going on around her and the events that were taking place. Anne received her diary "Kitty", just a month before going into hiding. 

This is where Anne and her family lived.(Anne Frank House)

One of Anne's favorite hobbies was to figure skate. But once Adolf Hitler took over jews were no longer allowed to skate or participate in other public activities. In April 1942, Anne wrote a letter to her grandma about figure skating. Anne did not tell her grandma that they weren't allowed to skate, she had to be careful about what she said because Adolf Hitler could see the letters and what she wrote. 

Anne grew up with lots of friends. She was very talkative and had a wild personality. Anne was very family oriented and wrote letters to family all the time. Just as much as writing letters, Anne loved to receive letters too. She also had a diary that she loved to write in. She wrote about life in the annex and gossip too. 

"Paper has more patience than people."
~ Anne Frank

Anne Franks diary she received for her 13 birthday. (Anne Frank House)