
Anne Frank

Her Life in Hard Times


At the time of the Holocaust, Anne's family was not affected until Jews were not aloud to own a buissness any more. Otto owned a buisness that made a gelling substance for jams. That was what really started affecting them. Otto had one of his employees take over- Otto still secretly worked there. Since the Holocaust was happening at the same time as World War 2 food and supplies got scarce at times. 

"I don't think of the misery, but of all the beauty that still remains."
~ Anne Frank

The Holocaust was a rough time for Jewish people. There were lots of rules they were required to follow. They were required to wear a yellow star on their clothes to show they were Jewish, you could only go outside between 6am and 8pm, etc; 

Fact about the Holocaust and the victims. (History.com)

Hitler taking over. (Anne Frank Website)

Living conditions were horrible at camps. People were worked to death and starved. People were put into gas chambers in groups to die.

"Always remember Anna, there are no walls, no bolts, no locks that anyone can ever put on your mind."
~ Otto Frank